Wednesday 20 November 2013

End-of-term comp.

I have been attending writing classes for something like fifteen years now. I suppose I should have learned it all in that time but I am constantly coming up against something new. Our course leader always sets a competition at the end of each term. This term the task was to write the first page of a new novel in any genre. Great, I thought, I need to get into something new.

My first attempt looked interesting (to me) but the competition entries must be anonymous and I was convinced our leader would be easily able to pin this one on me. So I set that story aside as worth continuing, but not for the competition. I had no shortage of ideas, so I started work another first page. This one looked even more interesting as a potential compete book. I carried on writing. I’ll put the first four hundred words into the competition but the rest of it is for me.

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