Saturday 4 May 2013

Crime Novels - Free Downloads

Back in the nineteen fifties I started reading adult literature. That included the works of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. I was a teenager at the time so maybe I was attracted to the lurid covers which often included half-naked women in seductive poses. I still enjoy re-reading those books: The Big Sleep, Farewell My Lovely, The Maltese Falcon. There was a certain grittiness to them that made the stories so compelling.

My own efforts at hard-nosed crime novels centre on a series of books I call my Naked Crime Novels. The first two, Naked Aggression and Naked Grief, can be downloaded free from my web site:

I am now working on the third book, Naked Courage. When it is complete I will try to place the trilogy with a publisher. In the meantime I am happy for friends and fellow writers to try out the first two stories. Why don’t you try one? And if you have friends who enjoy crime novels let them know they can read these at no cost.

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